Letter from the Editor
Volume no. 5, Spring – “Borderlands”
Sarah Messer, “Only Sky Animal,” “Homestead Resort Cameo,” and more
Craig Santos Perez, “All With Ocean Views”
Mary Cisper, “Calligraphies,” “Vase of Red Tulips,” and more
Trey Moody, “Act of Interpretation,” “Only What,” and more
Christine Kitano, “Choose Your Own Adventure: Go South”
Steve Wilson, “Letting Silences Gather”
Harrison Candelaria Fletcher, “Artifacts”
Jennifer Baum, “A Different Set of Rules”
Betsy Sharp, “Mapping Uncertainty”
Alexis Wiggins, “The Attic”
James Franco, “As I Lay Dying”
Aaron Sachs, “Arcadian America”
Darrin Doyle, “Engagement”
Lou Gaglia, “Jaywalkers”
Carrie M. O’Connor, “My Body, Given For You”
Tim Gorham, “Fissure”
Visual Arts
Sara Madandar, “The Prayer Rug” + interview
Anne Wallace, “Gulf”