Letter from the Editor
Volume no. 1 – Fall, “Where Art and Community Intersect”
Visual Arts
Massimo Vitali, “Beach Series”
Kelly Towles, “Fair Game: Kelly Towles on Spray Painting the Walls of D.C.”
Simone Muench, “Wolf Cento”
Caroline Klocksiem, “Ghost Town”
Curtis Jensen, “Hell’s Gate”
Mary Hamilton, “You Remind Me of that Guy in the Movies, the One with the Eyes”
Peg Alford Pursell, “Celestial Bodies”
Elizabeth Cameron, “Cabin”
Nicola Twilley & Sarah Rich, “Radish Reconnaissance: An Interview with Foodprint Project”
Colin Beavan, et al., “No Impact Man”
Glenn Blake, “Return Fire”
Josh Weil, “The New Valley”
Mark Nowak, “Coal Mountain Elementary”