Inspiration is Everywhere: A Photo Essay

On my routine morning Instagram session I stumbled upon a picture of former creative editor of Vogue, Grace Coddington. The picture was of the quote “Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you,” and this got me thinking.

My curiosity prompted me to abandon all social media for the day and focus on the environment around me. I spent the rest of the day searching for inspiration, observing my surroundings with a purpose.

My day of searching externally for inspiration led me to finding it internally within my own curious thoughts. My curiosity led me to think about what kind of things inspire other people. So, I asked some friends and family to look for something throughout their day that inspires them and take a picture. Here’s what I learned:


One friend found inspiration from a quote written by a stranger.


Others felt it by a bubble blowing optimist on their college campus.

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A couple sought inspiration in pictures that made them express gratitude for those who sacrificed for them.



While some saw inspiration in big city architecture that they hope to be a part of one day.


One was inspired by the beauty of movement.

IMG_4212Another felt it in something so simple as a Professor opening blinds on a window to let in light rather than flip on a light switch.




While a few were inspired by the complexity of nature.


Another felt inspired by the bravery of someone else.



While others felt it from their friends who cannot speak but always understand.

Taeler_Kallmerten Taeler Kallmerten, Staff Writer


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