Visual Arts: Joseph Ernst


Nothing in the News

Joseph Ernst

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We are in a crucial turning point in our modern experience, a place where reality is transitory and facts are interpretative. Information is abundant, obnoxiously so, and yet untrustworthy. We absorb everything and question nothing. Or we absorb everything and question everything. Either way, the search for truth is exhausting and increasingly difficult to verify.

In such a sensory-flooded existence, Anglo-Portuguese artist and creative director Joseph Ernst offers peace and reassurance. In his series, “Nothing in the News,” he removes the articles from newspapers. Remove the ads, the photographs, the captions and prices, and the comforting weight of a quiet paper becomes a powerful rebuttal to the anxiety and weightlessness of our virtual realities.

Ernst’s offered relief is instant. The respite of his art objects partially relies on the subtle color transitions, the soft whites and warm grays. Your eyeballs can rest. And when was the last time you spent a moment in silence?—no music, no texts, no news, no feeds, no photographs, no browsers, no phone calls, no streaming.
Ernst’s work asks us to open to that healing moment, beneath the terrifying and the mundane—a platform to process, to analyze, to listen.

You can find more of Ernst’s work and more from his “Nothing In The News” on his website. His newspapers are available for purchase from the Sideline Collective.


Joseph Ernst is an Anglo-Portuguese Creative Director. He originally trained as an architect, graduating from The Bartlett in London, and moved into advertising, working at agencies like 4Creative, 72+Sunny, BBH, Grey, and Wieden+Kennedy. A prolific doer and a maker, his work has been recognized by most major advertising and film festivals. He has also earned plaudits as a filmmaker, artist, and publisher whose artworks continue to be exhibited in museums and galleries around the world.