Letter: V7I3


Letter from the Editor

Vo. 7, Issue 3


This issue features our new Translation section. We’re pleased to showcase two German works, one classic (Goethe) and one contemporary (Ott).

Five months from its release date, M. J. Gette’s chapbook, “The Walls They Left Us,” has started its second printing(!). “The poems within it conflate the natural world with human crafts and construction, explore false binaries perpetuated by limited critical thinking, and address issues of colonialism, education, and historiography—yet at the same time, the poems so often seem to be love poems or poems nostalgic for lost love,” says the latest review in Ploughsares. Get your hand-bound copy before these too go.

Thank you(!) to all who submitted to this year’s Anzaldúa Poetry Prize. Our panelists are reading entries. We hope to make that important announcement in the next couple months.

Our annual Newfound Prose Prize is open! This year’s guest judge is the fabulous Kathy Fish(!).

Speaking of the Newfound Prose Prize, Mark Leidner, last year’s winner, is reviewing the final proof of his book, “21 Extremely Bad Breakups,” which we aim to have printed and bound by the end of October.

If you didn’t know, we’re hosting an offsite reading this AWP in DC. Please RSVP and see M. J. Gette, Jaime Poissant, Jen Moore, Maggie Smith-Beehler, and many many more writers from the pages of Newfound, Waxwing, and As/Us journals.

Readers and writers: Keep the submissions coming, and we’ll keep showcasing the very best in place-based art.

None of this is possible without y’all.

Till next time,

Daniel Levis Keltner, managing editor