(from “Geology of Nova Scotia” by Martha Hickman Hild & Sandra Barr)
Sean Howard
1. The Hawk
Thought: hawked
world? (Sandbar-
codes.) Law
tide. (Science? Partial
Arts.) ‘Empire,’ the
process that took
Place. (‘Main problem?’
When the detailed look
at the simple.) ‘
Slow melt’ – many folds, kinks
& swirls… ‘Clinical’ –
hawk eye, cut
2. Peggys Cove
The Cartesian I
con. (Avalon –
closer, no
signs…) The child app-
roaching infinity. (
Shops, ‘the
normal tide…’) Museum,
Indian harbour? 20th
horses to bits… (Lab:
Swiss air.) Light,
God’s self-
3. Black Duck Cove
‘Ocean closing’ – re-
ligion, Amen-
ities… (Root
map?) Poetry: yellow
pages. (Contour-
ists.) Patched
Adam. (Aphrodite, air-
brushed…) Ode
kill. (Black-
board, ducks in a
row.) The Goddess-
es? Blood-
Sean Howard is the author of “Local Calls” (Cape Breton University Press, 2009) and “Incitements” (Gaspereau Press, 2011). His poetry has been widely published in Canada and elsewhere, and anthologized in “The Best Canadian Poetry in English” (Tightrope Books, 2011 & 2014).