Letter: V6I3


Letter from the Editor

Vo. 6, Issue 3


It’s been another exciting summer at Newfound! We’re excited to share all these new and wonderful happenings with you:

  • First off, there’s a lot to love in the latest issue. Read it all, then read again: Centos by Ariana-Sophia Kartsonsis and Stephanie Rogers, flash fiction by Meg Pokrass, photography of Houston by Michael Mira, nonfiction by David Hebestreit, fiction by Richard Farrell, and both “Lor-ree” interviews (Lori Ostlund & Laurie Foos).
  • Submissions have opened for our first annual Newfound Prose Prize. Our guest judge is Chelsea Martin. Need I say more? Okay, okay: $500 plus publication of your work in a fine chapbook.
  • Our annual Anzaldúa Poetry Prize has wrapped up for the year. Guest judge Carmen Giménez Smith is reading finalists’ chapbooks as you’re reading this. Word on the street is that there were more finalist this year than expected(!). Just a great batch of chapbooks. THANK YOU to all the poets who contributed.
  • Submissions to the journal’s themed issue (The Wild: Wildness, Wilderness, and Wildlife) are open until Dec. 21st. It’s going to live up to its name. Be a part and send us your work.
  • More cosmetic changes have been made to the site, (we hope) improving your comfort and enjoyment of our web home. Updates have been made to the journal index page, the menu bar, and our bookstore with more changes on the way. Check out how cool our bookstore looks!
  • Our second annual, best-of print issue is in the cooker. Look for it to drop around the holidays.

All this is happening because of you. Keep sending us love in the form of exceptional submissions. Or reach out to us through social media or email if that’s what it takes to hear your lovely voices.

My very best,

Daniel Levis Keltner, Managing Editor