Letter: V6I1

Letter from the Editor

Volume no. 6 – Winter


End of the year? Pshh. Our winter issue is the first of every volume. Why? Oh, a clean slate, a new beginning, etc. Endings have a habit of spawning newness, don’t they?

Let’s consult the oracle (poetry compiled from the last lines of every piece in this issue):

The music ends.

demands a response. I can’t sing. I don’t play a musical instrument. So I answer with language.

of an excellent documentary.

Loud thunders drowned out her words.

the sound of Elvis’s record, the wailing storm siren. Until it sounded in his ears like a story, a song.

or answers; the plan; twin divorces; their brown dog running under a kite-filled sky.

reaction to the idea is that it is negative, but I don’t necessarily think so. It’s just different than it
used to be.

notes sound clear and echoic, the way an old doorbell does when you are already inside the house.

out there with so many cultures to explore, many of which are right under one’s nose.

the Gulf of Guinea, or GMT sped so far ahead of Ghana Man Time.

beating every spectral color from the light.

as seen from New Jersey in 1995.

never a natural way to leave any of it behind.

know, one can’t just say that kind of stuff.

trying to restart their events and insert them into our own. All of it evolves out of a sense of loss.

presses them into something confounding and wonderful.

It’s the holidays, people. Love us lots? Give us your money in the form of a tax-deductible donation (tax season is just around the corner…). Or buy some cute merch. We just released our first print issue! Um, gorgeous stocking stuffer? Yes, buddy.

THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us during this amazing year here at Newfound and allowed us to keep doing amazing work.

Write us a holiday greeting on Facebook or Twitter.

Keep an eye out for news about our super AWP off-site reading and related contests/good stuff.

Until then, keep beginning … ending … you know what I mean.


Daniel Levis Keltner, Managing Editor

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