Letter: V5I2


Volume no. 5 – Spring


This year’s themed issue explores borderlands: work that represents frontiers and/or life on the fringes, as well as “the border” and border culture. Here, Borderlands also means uncertain conditions or liminal states. We are pleased to present this experience to you in the form of literary and visual spectacle.

As a journal, we too feel on the cusp of a new stage. Our first AWP was charged with such positive vibes and gave us the ability to connect to our readers and writers, our friends and fans. Didn’t make it? We’ll see you there next year. This work means nothing without your continued support, engagement, and joy.

Similarly, we see every issue release as an opportunity to do what we do better. We try to improve one thing from UX to content. This time we made four major changes:

  • New Logo: A first incarnation of our Newfound compass/star. You like-y?
  • Faster/Lighter: I love WordPress, but it’s bulky. Through some web wizardry, we’ve cut our average page load speed in half. Yay.
  • Anzaldúa Poetry Prize: In conjunction with the Anzaldúa Literary Trust, our annual poetry prize now honors the stunning Gloria E. Anzaldúa. We’ve since made the prize more meaningful, too—$500 plus 25 copies of your work in a fine chapbook. Think you’re as big of a badass as Anzaldúa? See contest page for the details.
  • Oh, and Even More Amazing and Fresh Content: Previously unpublished poetry from Sarah Messer, previously unpublished nonfiction from Harrison Candelaria Fletcher, and previously unpublished fiction from Darrin Doyle, and more.

Love what we do here at Newfound? Stay in touch. Holler at us through Facebook or Twitter.

Okay, ready to have your world rocked? Read away.


Daniel Levis Keltner, Managing Editor