w. the soundsense of body body
Steven Alvarez
| yr damn wall don’t wall lang|s|wedge
entirely unnatural & trite imitating
mining data
imagine repetition
of cliché
if enough folks read thi—
hyper-correction of annunciation
body breathing systole dyastole
body & performer’s extensive focus on nuanced act
as if that performed naturally
w.o strain
certain eases seeming natural
not feigned
not learned—quite bluntly—a natural sort of power embodied
¿who can perform this?
¿what body?
body performing bodies
body performing
left to riff | lived
performer’s choreographed instructions read
meaning improvise
thus it happens | happen
pulses of air modified by pulses of muscle | happen
resulting in pops
clicks hisses snorts | happenings of sorts |
knuckles rapped | & cracked
cracked on hard surfaces productions
turbines hiss
Steven Alvarez is the author of “The Codex Mojaodicus,” winner of the Fence Modern Poets Prize. His work has appeared in the Best Experimental Writing, Anomaly, Asymptote, Berkeley Poetry Review, Fence, MAKE, The Offing, and Waxwing. Follow Steven on Instagram @stevenpaulalvarez and Twitter @chastitellez.