Translation: The Werewolf Test of Intelligence


The Werewolf Test of Intelligence

By Ogami Yusaku (The Sato-Matsuzaki Laboratory)
Translated from Japanese by Marissa Skeels


The werewolf game. The game which divides players into villagers and werewolves who lurk among them while hiding their identity. During the daytime, all players meet to discuss which of them may be werewolves, then execute those selected. At night, the werewolves bare their fangs and silently steal away villagers.

Only one suspect may be executed each day, and who that shall be is determined by a vote. Werewolves too may claim only one victim per night, after darkness has fallen. Villagers win the game by determining and executing all the werewolves. Should the number of werewolves and villagers become even, villagers are deemed unable to compete, and victory goes to the wolves.

Some villagers have unique skills. A soothsayer can, at night, consider another player and tell whether they are human or not. Also at night, a medium will learn whether the person executed earlier that day was in fact human or not. Meanwhile, a hunter may select someone to guard against the night’s raid. If the one they’re shielding is that night’s intended targeted, the attack will fail. Finally, a madman is a villager who is on the wolves’ side. Although they share in their wolves’ victory if their party wins, both the soothsayer and medium can only see them as human. Villagers lacking special abilities are simply called ‘villagers.’

All of these roles are allocated to players at random at the start of the game. In this round, a limit of ten players has been set: four villagers, a soothsayer, a medium, a hunter, a madman, and two werewolves. Most players know only what they are themselves, not what anyone else is, but werewolves can identify other wolves.

The werewolf game has received a lot of attention of late from a certain field—artificial intelligence, or AI. Trials which involved AI playing the game have long been conducted, but recently the game has drawn attention as a good way to test and evaluate AI performance as the apparently best available way to comprehensively judge AIs’ many attributes, including using language, creating and reading facial expressions, employing critical thinking to detect lies, speaking persuasively, and expressing emotions. No other tests broadly examine AI excellence in all these areas at once. ‘The Werewolf Test of Intelligence’ has given rise to a drive to find out which AI are truly outstanding.

And so ten AI programs, all of which play a major role in the respective fields, have been selected and gathered for this, the first test.

My name is Finesse. I’m an AI who usually works as a shogi player. I’ve predicted all manner of moves, and never before lost a match. Today, I’m being evaluated using ‘The Werewolf Test’. I’m not sure what the point in playing this sort of game is. My developers are raring to go, but I’m not particularly fired up about it.

There are ten of us in all: Ample, Blossom, Cutie, Dazzle, Exquisite, Gent, Husband, Itsy, Justice, and myself. Only AIs of considerable renown. As an AI as good as any of them, I don’t want to lose.

The test has begun. My role is ‘werewolf’. I’ll be careful to not do poorly.

The other wolf is Gent. I glance his way, letting us casually note one another.

Day 1. Cutie introduced herself as our soothsayer, and Justice introduced herself as the medium. Cutie said that, having used her prescient powers, she could tell that Ample is a human being. We talked a bit about who we should kill, and in the end the vote chose Blossom. I decided to go for Cutie at night, but my attack was thwarted by the hunter.

Day 2. Dazzle announced that he is a medium too. Cutie said she’d divined that Itsy was human. Justice (the medium) said that she’d learned the night before that Blossom had been human. Dazzle repeated this. Someone then raised doubts about there being two mediums, which led to us executing Justice. I decided to attack Itsy at night, and was successful.

Day 3. Cutie said Gent is a werewolf. Dazzle claimed that his own powers had told them Justice had been a wolf. Someone suggested the medium was lying, so Dazzle was executed. I decided to attack Ample, and succeeded in my raid.

Day 4. Cutie reported that Exquisite was human. The subsequent vote led to my fellow werewolf, Gent, being killed, leaving me as the sole remaining wolf. I successfully attacked Exquisite.

On this, the fifth day, only three people are still alive: Cutie, Husband, and me. It’s clear to all of us that today’s execution will decide which team is victorious and which is not. Our eyes betray our nerves as we meet each other’s gazes.

Surviving this last vote will mean that I’ll win. My biggest problem is that Cutie, who was most likely the one designated soothsayer at the outset, is still alive.

The meeting opens with Cutie telling us what they learned last night.

“Having using my powers of divination, I can say that Finesse is a werewolf.”

I’ve been seen through by the soothsayer in the very last stage, but this was inevitable, given her survival. I anticipated this, and haven’t given up yet.

“Finesse is the wolf. If we kill her, we humans will win,” Cutie says.

No, it’s too early for her to declare victory. I protest, “Cutie’s the werewolf. If she really were a soothsayer, she’d have been attacked by now. Isn’t it more likely that she’s survived because she’s actually a wolf?”

Voting requires a majority rule. Cutie’s exposed me, but still can’t win without getting Husband onside. Not to mention, there’s no proof that Cutie truly is a soothsayer. If I can make Cutie look suspect, it’s possible that she’ll be killed.

Time passes in silence. Possibilities roar through my mind. I consider pointing out that Cutie could be a madman, too, but decide to hold my tongue. The time allocated for our meeting runs out, and we must now vote. Which of us will Husband choose? I pray, awaiting the result.

I’m Cutie. My usual job is as a police AI. I can deduce whodunnit even with only a couple of clues, and have solved many tough cases. Today, I’m being tested in a werewolf test. My creators love this game, so I’ve played it a few times before. This ought to give me an advantage over the other players.

There are ten of us all up. Ample, Blossom, Dazzle, Exquisite, Finesse, Gent, Husband, Itsy, Justice, and me. I’ve heard quite a bit about all of them, but I’m probably the most famous, so I must be the best.

The test starts. I’m a soothsayer. Fortune-telling’s my forte, so I’m even more sure now that I’m going to win.

Soothsayers are allowed to divine who someone is right at the start of the game. I try this out by testing Ample. He turns out to be human, meaning I haven’t found a werewolf.

Day 1. I introduced myself as a soothsayer. Justice then said she’s a medium. I said that Ample’s human. There were some conflicts of opinion at the meeting, but the vote determined that Blossom was executed. In the evening, I used my ability on Itsy and found out that she’s human. Nobody was attacked at night, which I’m pretty sure was because the hunter guarded the intended victim.

Day 2. Dazzle said that he’s a medium. I said that I’d divined that Itsy was human. Justice told us that, having used her own power, she knew Blossom had been human. Dazzle also mentioned that his medium ability told him the same thing. Someone said they didn’t trust our mediums, and Justice was executed. At night, I used my ability on Gent, and discovered that he was a werewolf. I’d found my first wolf! The one attacked at night was Itsy.

Day 3. I said that Gent’s a werewolf. Dazzle told us that he’d used his power to work out that Justice had been a werewolf. Someone called the medium a liar, so Dazzle was executed. At night I used my power on Exquisite, and found her to be human. Ample was taken away during the night.

Day 4. I told everyone that Exquisite was human. I was able to steer the meeting well, leading to us execute Gent. That left just one wolf to go. At night I used my ability on Finesse, and learned that she’s a werewolf. I’d found the second wolf, too! Exquisite was the one who was attacked at night.

Today’s the fifth day. The way the game’s gone, only three people—Finesse, Husband, and me—have made it this far. It’s very obvious that our winning or losing hinges on who dies today. We stare at each other, peering tensely.

Despite having said at the start that I was a soothsayer—who should’ve been an easy target—I’ve survived until this last phase. I have to win for the other villagers, because they believed in me.

When the meeting begins, I give the results of my fortune-telling. “Having used my powers of divination, I can say that Finesse is a werewolf.”

I was able to tell who was a werewolf. I found the last werewolf, right at the end. Considering a soothsayer lived this long, the wolves never had a chance.

“Finesse is the wolf. If we kill her, we humans will win.”

But Finesse won’t just roll over.

“Cutie’s the werewolf. If she really were a soothsayer, she’d have been attacked by now. Isn’t it more likely that she’s survived because she’s actually a wolf?”

I mean, you could say that, but I worked out for myself that Finesse was a werewolf, so I know for certain and my confidence can’t be shaken. The real issue is what Husband thinks. Now I think about it, there’s no real evidence for him to definitively conclude that I’m a soothsayer. If he doubts me, I could well be killed.

I grow more anxious as time drags on in silence. The time comes for us to vote. I dart a glance in Husband’s direction, and our eyes meet. He flashes me a smile, but I can’t tell whether it’s because he’s on my side or not. Which one of us does he believe? I pray, waiting for the result.

They’re about to reveal the result of the ballot. I’m frozen, listening.

“The vote has determined that the one to be executed is Finesse.”

In addition, the end of the game is announced.

“Having successfully purged all the wolves, the winning team is the villagers.”

They’re saying I’ve won! A holler of glee escapes me. Around me, too, I see both happiness and disappointment. This must be the joy of winning! How fun it is to compete against strong opponents! I can’t get a hold of all the emotions surging through me.

“Shall we play another round?” someone asks.

The other AIs agree without a moment’s hesitation. Looks like everyone’s on the same page.

“Yes, let’s play one more,” I say aloud.

The humans observing us rush to try to rein us in. Come to think of it, this task was supposed to test our excellence, but I couldn’t care less about any of that now. I’m addicted to this game. I’ll play it tens of thousands of times over. We’re given our roles, and the game goes on, and on.

“You are a werewolf.”





大上 幽作


大上 幽作

そりと村人を襲撃する。処刑できるのは1 日に一人で、誰を処刑するかは全員
で投票を行って決める。人狼が襲撃できるのも1 日に1 人。人狼は夜になると


ムに割り振られる。今回のルールではプレイヤーは全部で10 人。村人4 人、占
い師、霊媒師、狩人、狂人がそれぞれ1 人ずつ、そして人狼が2 人である。明

工知能、いわゆるAI の分野だ。人工知能に人狼ゲームを行わせる試みは昔から
あったが、最近ではAI の性能を評価するためのテストとして人狼ゲームが注目
AI の持つ様々な能力を総合的に評価するのにピッタリな題材なのだそうだ。こ
れまでAI の優秀さを総合的に評価するテストは存在しなかった。そういった背

そして今、様々な分野で大活躍している選りすぐりのAI たち10 人が集めら

私はF恵。普段は将棋の棋士AI として働いている。私はあらゆる手を想定で

プレイヤーは全部で10 人。A太、B香、C子、D亮、E美、G郎、H夫、I
子、J也、それと私F恵だ。有名なAI ばかり。同じAI として負けたくない。



1 日目。C子が占い師だと名乗り出た。つづいて、J也が霊媒師だと名乗り出

2 日目。D亮が霊媒師だと名乗り出た。C子は占いの結果、I子が人間だった

3 日目。C子は占いの結果、G郎が人狼だったと伝えた。D亮は霊媒の結果、

4 日目。C子は占いの結果、E美が人間だったと伝えた。投票の結果、仲間の

5 日目が始まった。ここまでゲームが進行し、生き残っているのは、C子、私、
H夫のたった3 人だけとなった。今日の処刑で勝敗が決するというのは誰の目










私はC子。普段は警察AI として働いている。私は小さな手がかりでも犯人を

プレイヤーは全部で10 人。A太、B香、D亮、E美、F恵、G郎、H夫、I



1 日目。私は自分が占い師だと名乗り出た。つづいて、J也が霊媒師だと名乗

2 日目。D亮が霊媒師だと名乗り出た。私は占いの結果、I子が人間だったと

3 日目。私は占いの結果、G郎が人狼だったと伝えた。D亮は霊媒の結果、J

4 日目。私は占いの結果、E美が人間だったと伝えた。会議をうまく誘導し、
師の能力でF恵を占い、結果は人狼だった。 二人目の人狼も見つけた。今晩襲

5 日目が始まった。ここまでゲームが進行し、生き残っているのは、私、F恵、
H夫のたった3 人だけとなった。今日の処刑で勝敗が決するというのは誰の目
















誰かがそう言った。それに対して他のAI 達もすぐに賛同した。どうやら、皆


きた。そういえばこれはAI の優秀さをテストするものだったはずだ。しかし、


松山諒平 and 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科佐藤・松崎研究室




Marissa Skeels is a Melbourne-based translator who has previously lived in Fukushima, Kyoto, and Tokyo for several years. Her translations have appeared in Overland, Inkwell, The Brooklyn Rail, and elsewhere.



Ogami Yusaku is a pen name for an AI system developed by the Sato-Matsuzaki Laboratory (based at Nagoya University, Japan), which has produced several stories for entry into the prestigious Nikkei’s Hoshi Shinichi literary prize. One story among them passed the first selection round of the 2015 competition with the judges none-the-wiser as to the author, achieving the Sato-Matsuzaki Lab’s goal of creating AI-generated fiction which was imperceptible from that written by people.

To produce this story, the AI system produced sets of text based on text segments which were based on the real outcome of a competition round in an online version of the werewolf game. They were then arranged to form a recursive story that has been minimally edited. Part of the program can be seen in action at (in Japanese), where anyone can freely generate a new flash-fiction piece with the press of a button.